Sunday, September 14, 2008


下雨天了怎麼辦 我好想你
我不敢打給你 我找不到原因
為什麼失眠的聲音 變得好熟悉
沈默的場景 做你的代替 陪我等雨停

誰和我一樣 等不到他的誰
愛上你我總在學會 寂寞的滋味
一個人撐傘 一個人擦淚 一個人好累

怎樣的雨 怎樣的夜 怎樣的我能讓你更想念
雨要多大 天要多黑 才能夠有你的體貼
其實 沒有我你分不出那些差別 結局還能多明顯
別說你會難過 別說你想改變

Monday, September 01, 2008

Finally. This is when I finally find the time to update this. Be it lazy or what, I am updating it now. One month had past since the last post and I had also been through the hectic and slacking period. Studying tips that pedagogue provides are surely a risk, but it is the way for the past 19 years and it is always worth taking it. Thus, one can't blame anyone for the end result when it doesn't come their way. Burning midnight oil always take away my amount of sleep and yet I am still awake now even though notes were buried alive long ago. Depriving from freedom few weeks ago, I actually don't know how to use it when attained. Work? (any reply will be good.) Play? (wasting time when the income flow is cut.)

Training with the big capital T spells terror for me as I am not sure when is the last time that anyone will see me ever again. It has definitely been quite a while since the noise and the smell of perspiration of amigos fill my life. Ticker is having quite a good life and it cannot keep up the pace of any form of physical activities. I seriously wonder when will it be back to shape. Maybe it will take forever? Cognomen appearing in the list was once the ultimate aim, however it is getting into the old self the impossible thing for now. Trust me, Dry and Ennui will be familar to me soon until the decision is finally set. A big one I believe. Jaap Stam is replaced by Laurent Blanc and then Rio Ferdinand then whoever. This cycle will always go on.

Seems like many things are needed to be done behind the back of my head and I don't know all of them. But I am certain that updating this is one of those things. Composing lyrics and tunes? Maybe just one day something struck my mind and it become a red hot piece? haha... I am just talking nonsense here. Spending almost an hour on this, so don't complain it is all in words and no pictures. At least this is more readable than the previous few? haha.. Better get some sleep already and dream of more praises! I will try my best to update my next one soon, try.
