Thursday, December 14, 2006

2 more weeks to "Death Note II: The Last Name"! ! !


mi juz post tis to get everyone attentions about the coming movie "Death Note II: The Last Name"...
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

i haf post abt tis in my previous post..
but i haf to tell u again tt tis is a MUST WATCH movie!

for dose hu nvr watch "Death Note", i advise u to go download the movie or manga to c 1st...

but for dose hu dun wana spend money to watch it in a cinema then can juz download it liao..
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

oni 14 more days to it..
so looking forward to it...
but oso afraid tt the movie wun be as gd as im tinkin it nw..
coz the higher the hope, the larger the disappointment will be...
hmm.. guess the movie will nt disppoint mi after all...
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

so hu will be the last name in the death note?

feel free to catch the "trailer of the moment"...
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...



Monday, December 11, 2006

Fake Biathlon day!


mi so fast update my blog liao..
stunned ar?

shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

btw.. biathlon means swimmin 800m and runnin 4km...
but im nt sure iszit the same for the other biathlon..
mi takin part in NYP Biathlon in 10th Jan 2007..
2dae juz go practise oni..
and dun tink mi beri pro..
actually mi take part in the mixed relay event..
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..

2dae mi, my partner edalene, lincoln and his partner haslinda go NYP swimmin pool and swim at ard 1730...
oni haslinda completes her 800m while the rest of us juz go dere swim a bit here n dere and play water oni..

after our swim we go run 10 round ard the sch track..
4km! mi run non-stop..
a great sense of achievement!
tink back when i oways fail my 2.4 durin my secondary sch days, tis is really amazing!
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

when we go hm, mi take bus 72 wif my partner n lincoln take train wif his partner..
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

so tts sum up wad happen for the fake biathlon day..


btw. i juz put up the "Goal of the Moment"..
the goal frm Michael Essien was pure luck lo..
but the goal quite chio..

and last but nt least...
my braces' colour is...



Sufyan guess wrongly but he was clever to nt choose any ans frm my MCQs given..
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..



Friday, December 08, 2006

Dental Appointment Day!


im back!
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

gonna update wad happen 2dae..

0800 to 1200 gt Microeconomic tut and lec..

then after go NYP's McDonalds makan and do stats proj wif arvind, becca, lincoln and jason..
i eat Mcspicy Meal..
muz really sae tt the Mcspicy is indeed quite spicy nw as compared to last time one..
nw eat liao then gt feel..
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

we do abt 1hr then finish part of the proj liao.. the rest of it we nxt weak then complete it..
then rich hm at abt 2+..

after go outram park National Dental Centre for my appt!
finally get to see my denist since...... September? lol..
she's so nice and soft-spoken..
are all doctors and dentists trained to be like tt one?
hu wan get braces better get tis dentist.. but too bad cannot choose which dentist u wan...
shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

my ticket!
btw.. the black part is my IC.. muz block or else ppl use it to lend money frm AH LONG then i high!

shi meh? ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo...

2dae i change my braces colour..
frm red to.....


1) blue
2) yellow
3) purple

confuse by the colours?

