Tuesday, September 26, 2006

boring day...

2dae nth to post.. and no pics oso..

juz one thing.. mi 2ml goin for a interview for pizzahut!
ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..
wish mi luck!

2dae my post like quite borin hor? juz lik the day i had been through 2dae..
ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..

so i will end my post wif sum jokes lo..
funny or nt funny can tell mi by taggin my blog..
ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..


Tom: I can't stand sittin with Jerry lo.
Harry: Of coz u can't.
Tom: Wad makes u so sure?
Harry: Bcoz u can't stand n sit at the same time.

David who is in a hurry is buyin pancakes...

David: I'm in a hurry. Will my pancakes be long?
Pancakes seller: No, sir. The pancakes will be round.

One day, a teacher tells the class to prepare an essay on "A Horse".
Therefore, Linda, a student of tt class was writin the essay on a horse..
ni xiang xin mah? hai hao lo..

Qn of the day!

Qn: how to prevent a kid from wetting his pants durin slpin?

ans tis qn by taggin my blog..
tink sure mani ppl will guess correctly lo..

happy laughin n guessin!


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